LinkedIn Strategy For Organisations
You realise how important and valuable is to build your brand and presence on LinkedIn but not sure how to make it work as a team and organisation? This blog is for you!
Trust as Currency: Strategies For Success in the Trust Economy [Interview with Michelle Hughes]
It has been challenging to measure the impact of trust (or the lack of it) on profitability until now, as we are joined by Michelle Hughes, who has conducted research on the correlation and is now assisting professional services firms in increasing their trust levels to enhance their bottom line.
The Power of Building an Ecosystem for Your Personal, Business, and Leadership Brand
What comes first -personal or business brand, especially when it comes to monetising your IP? What’s the difference between your executive brand and leadership brand? And how can you best build an ecosystem of all of the above to create ripple effects from one to the other?
Scale Your Impact By Systemising, Packaging And Monetising Your IP
If monetising your Personal Brand by systemising and packaging your IP sounds interesting but maybe a little daunting, here is your step-by-step guide to demystify what it takes.
How To use LinkedIn In 2023 To Build Your Brand Or Business
Since most first interactions happen online, the question is: what do people find when they look you up? What’s the perception they will get and most importantly- how can you leverage your online presence on LinkedIn in your favour?
109. From Resume To Reputation: How To Stand Out In The [Online] Crowd [Interview with Mitch King]
If you've been wondering how to build your personal brand and presence online through content but either not sure how to get started, worried about negative comments or not sure how to manage restrictions from your company doing so - this interview is for you!
Reimagine And Redefine Your Career To Stay Relevant - Part 2
This is part 2/2 where we go deeper and discuss the 7 steps you can work through to reimagine and redefine your career to stay relevant.
Quietly Powerful: How Your Quiet Nature is Your Hidden Leadership Strength [Interview with Megumi Miki]
Being a quiet leader can be a challenge but can also be your biggest competitive advantage if you know how to leverage it the right way. This interview will give you strategies and tactics to do exactly that!
Reimagine And Redefine Your Career To Stay Relevant - Part 1
Whether you’re already clear what’s next but not sure how to actually make it work or you’re still unsure what your next chapter might look like- this 2-part blog post is for you!
The Future of ... Trust [Interview with Severin de Wit]
Trust is an interesting concept and has evolved over time. The question is - how do you build trust in todays’ and tomorrow’s more connected and complex world of work? We take a deep dive and explore.
Essential Marketing Assets, Systems, and Processes to Boost Your Authority Brand Through Public Speaking
Whether you’re already a seasoned speaker, or you want to explore the world of professional public speaking further, this is a special treat for you as we’re covering the marketing assets, systems and processes you need to leverage public speaking to build and boost your personal brand.
The Recession-Proof Executive: 3 Case Studies For Executive Coaching
Truth told: there is a lot of uncertainty going on in the market and no matter which profession, industry or even level of seniority you are in – now is the time to get active, and take control over your career and future.