Fit Personal Branding Into Your Busy Schedule

Some of the most popular phrases I've heard in my years of coaching is: 

"I don't have the time." or "I'm too tired from my day job."

And when asked "What’s the one thing you want to improve in yourself or grow in your career", there were surprisingly two very common answers:

  • Improve confidence

  • Stop procrastinating

I get it. It's unrealistic to think anyone can juggle work and home life and on top of that, go to every event or conference, write an article, record a podcast, and strategize on what content to put out.

The good news is, you don't need a whole day or even half a day to start building on your brand.


Here are quick little steps you can incorporate to transform your Personal Brand, that fit right into your busy schedule.

1. Clarity exercises

Do you need a full career overhaul, more presence, a different set of audience, or don't have a complete idea of what you want and need to do?

My clients struggle having wasted too much time doing what they think will change their situation; Something they think they're good at but not really, a temporary fix such as a new job or industry, a higher pay. Only to be disrupted, overlooked, or experience burnout. This is why you must have clarity on what your strengths and goals are, what you need to focus on, and who you need to reach.

The clearer these factors are, the fewer mistakes you'll make and the faster things will move along

Study the field before sowing the seeds.

2. Make a short but sharp Personal Branding statement

Use it at every introduction, when asked what you do, or on your online and speaker profile. 

Formula in a nutshell:

I'm a _________ and I help _______ by doing _________.

  • What value you provide (what problem do you solve)

  • Whom you do it for (your target audience)

  • How you do it uniquely (your Unique Selling Points)

3. Focus on high-yield, highly-rewarding activities

You may not have all the time in the world, but if you are doing the right things that truly interest you and give you the energy to keep going, it will not matter.

Prioritize moves that are more rewarding and fulfilling so you can sustain them, then be consistent on that.


For activities that drain you or do not interest you but are needed to be done, if you can, save them for a time when you have the most energy, and then find time to recharge afterward.

Energy is what keeps us going despite everything that's going on. Manage it well and make habits that reduce energy depletion, and you will find yourself able to do more of things that make a real difference.

I wrote about feeling drained and energy management here, if you want to know more.

4. Document and schedule content

Here's are good general topic segments for your content:

what does your audience need to know / what is unique about you / why should they trust your knowledge

It's a combination of two important factors that build a deal or a sale, which is credibility and trust. It doesn't have to be some big, long, extensive concept.

If you have an idea that worked or a story or a great tip, type them down on a note app or write it on a post-it. Sometimes they come out of nowhere, and there is a tendency for people to forget to follow up with action. Gather all that you have and then set a time when you can schedule all of them to go online.


Some good platforms to use for scheduling are Later, Buffer, and Facebook Creator. You can put out content for weeks and weeks, and you won't need to worry about thinking of what to put out daily. This saves you both energy and time.

Take pictures when you attend an event, met great people, or make notes when you learned a ton of new things from a book. Get feedback from others, too, as it can also be a quick form of content to put out!

5 The $1.80 strategy on LinkedIn

Gary Vaynerchuck popularized this quick, easy, and sensible move where every day, for a short amount of time, you’ll need to find posts that are relevant to your industry or career and leave a comment on them.

You can do this while you're on a lunch break at work, in commute or traffic jam, or before calling it a night. Not only does it efficiently showcase your expertise or genuine interest to connect, but people will also put you on their radar and may want to engage or connect with you.

Show expertise and make connections = two birds with one stone

6 Get a coach

The most efficient way to build a Personal Brand is to be coached on the right strategies and best practices that can be applied to each individual's unique case. Coaching is also an effective way to build confidence and provides accountability and support to minimize the problems that usually arise from time management.


Our coaching techniques are built on theoretical, scientific principles combined with practical and actionable steps that make it easy to fit around the busy, high-level professional's schedule. If you want to know more about it, get in touch with us for a complimentary 15-min strategy session.


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