4 Ways to Find More Career Opportunities

  • Get busy with your online activity. Sure, your profile looks shiny and updated, but what value are you giving to a new, bigger, audience craving for topic expertise? Start a blog or LinkedIn articles with the intent to share valuable information. Comment on others' posts, put effort into posting attractive visuals, and be consistent.


  • Then go offline to make some real connections. Attend conferences and MeetUps, join workshops or make appointments with professionals you have connected with online. It sounds simple, but if you're more on the less outgoing side, it takes a bit more out of your energy. So try doing it once a month, then once a fortnight, then once a week.


  • Ready to step it up a notch? Be a speaker or teach. There is no faster and more effective way to make leads than to show people you can walk the talk by standing up in a crowd and speaking about your expertise. I call it, the talk test. Practice by drafting an informative speech with creativity mixed to it, think and exude positivity so confidence will follow, and try joining a panel before going solo.


  • Be comfortable with the growth. I often hear clients who are such high-performers talk about their feelings of inadequacy and that they won't be able to achieve more. This is often from being critical of themselves, others being critical of them, or fear of change and growth. Don't let the imposter syndrome kick in by practicing good habits and getting professional help to put you in the right mindset, give you inside knowledge about industries, and help you create a strategic plan for your next steps.

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