
Digital Disruption in Talent Strategy - Recap of DisruptHR Brisbane July 26 2017

Digital Disruption in Talent Strategy - Recap of DisruptHR Brisbane July 26 2017

Once in a while an event series is born that shakes things up, it makes you think differently, it leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR.

Thanks to intelliHR, DisruptHR made its debut in Brisbane on the 26th July with its fast and furious format:

9 speakers | 5 min each | 15 sec/slide.

Here is a recap of my keynote - of course in true style: Digital Disruption in Recruitment. Enjoy! 

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Technology in Recruitment

Technology in Recruitment

Every Industry is going through a Transformation and 'Digital Disruption' is in Everyone’s Ear.

But with more tools, apps and search engines available than ever before to streamline processes and make our lives easier, it also makes it harder to keep up with the latest and greatest, not to mention how daunting it can be to get started and get your head around what’s hot and what’s not.

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How to make Your Employees feel like a Rockstar & see Your Employer Brand grow

How to make Your Employees feel like a Rockstar & see Your Employer Brand grow

Long gone are the Days when Companies has the Power over Candidates who ran their Doors in to work with them. No matter how strong a Company’s Brand is in the Market (even if you are a Google or Red Bull in your Industry), the biggest Challenge for every organisation is (and will always be) getting the Best Talents on board and keep them.

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