Our Focus

We build trust; from the inside out.

Trust is the ultimate competitive advantage and we help you build trust in your individual talents, your leadership team as well as in your organisation

We work with CEOs, business and team leaders on

transforming them from being subject matter experts to thought leaders, from authority by title to authority by choice to not only future-proof careers and business but to lead the way.



Trusted Talent

Building high-performing teams starts with building individual’s capabilities, confidence and ability to collaborate.

Our programs are designed to equip individual talents with tools to increase personal effectiveness, leadership and accountability, overcome their own fears, build trust, and be able to address challenges quicker.

Most popular solutions:

~ 60-90min educational + inspirational keynote [perfect to kick off planning days, conferences or offsite retreats]

~ 3h practical workshop including personalised pre-workshop engagement and assessment, tailored workbook and debrief session to discuss progress and next steps 30 days post workshop with the team.

Trusted Leader: Build &

boost your Leadership Brand

Titles don't make leaders. Trust makes leaders.

To influence and to create long-lasting impact, people need to trust you and trust is earned, not given.

Learn what it takes to become the Trusted Authority by choice, not by title through transparent, consistent and aligned behaviours by leaders.

Most popular solutions:

~ 60-90min educational + energising keynote [perfect to kick off planning days, conferences or offsite retreats]

~ personalised One on One Coaching, tailored to your specific goals and requirements

~ 2 Days [offsite] retreat with personalised content development + delivery as well as a mix of group and individual activities

Trusted Organisation

Set yourself apart and gain the (unfair) competitive advantages of moving from vendor to trusted partner, from employer to talent magnet by building a high trust and distinct employer brand through a shared set of values, behaviours and stories.

Most popular solutions:

~ 3.5 -7h facilitated co-working/ brainstorming session [ideal as part of a planning day / offsite retreat

~ 2 days offsite retreat, program and content is tailored for your ideal outcome & requirements, including engagement prior to event, 30 day follow up strategy session to check in on celebrations and challenges + next steps


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