Craft your Elevator Pitch with impaCCCt

Hands up who has their ELEVATOR PITCH down pat? 🙈 🙈

If you are like me, you will probably even roll your eyes as this isn't something that just flows and rolls off your tongue (mix in my Austrian accent and you can imagine my struggle is real!)

Having worked with 300+ professionals over the last few years, my aim has always been to help them make themselves stand out for all the right reasons and make it easier for them to get out there.

As you can imagine, as recruiter we sometimes get over 100 applications - per day! So I know a thing or two on what makes a Candidate / Personal Brand stand out.

That's why I want to share my little tips so you can make an impact at the upcoming Xmas functions and networking events and start more meaningful conversations to lead into (business and/or career opportunities)


✔️ CONNECT: always remember - people are interested in 'what's in it for me'? So give them a good reason why they CARE should about what you do (aka - what problem can you solve for them, what benefit can you bring).


✔️ CREDIBILITY: people engage with people because they perceive them to be the expert in that field. So you want them to know you are THE Go-to-Person when it comes to your niche. But you want to communicate it in a way that resonates with them - spoken in their language. If you can use numbers - go for it! Who can argue with facts and figures??


✔️ CURIOSITY: Leave them wanting more. You want people to become interested … so interested they need to know more. Keep it short, sharp and spot on.


✔️ CALL TO ACTION: everything you put out there, including your elevator pitch should have an invite to act. What are the next steps to engage with you, how could they connect with you in the future? Is it LinkedIn, Facebook, email ... 


✔️ CONFIDENCE: You know your worth, so don't bother about defending yourself. If you find you have to defend yourself, you are wasting time on the wrong people, either because they are not interested or don't get it. That is why it is so important to know WHO you actually want to talk to as those are the ones who will listen!



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