How to Nail Your Content and Boost Your Personal Branding
Started to put out some posts but not quite sure about the direction it’s going? I get it.
It can really feel daunting and demotivating at times.
Me being me, I plan and create a strategy so I don’t run out of content and fall behind stuck in a block.
Here’s how to nail your content this year and boost your Personal Brand in your area of expertise.
1. Know who you’re talking to and what’s your purpose. Are you educating, inspiring, engaging?
2. Have a strategy to keep it consistent like scheduling in advance, dedicating certain times to creation and management.
3. Make sure you’re where your audience is and don't just try to be everywhere. Select the most relevant platform and groups to join, make sure to contribute and engage and not just promote.
4. Repurpose your content across various channels. Form one long piece of content (a blog, a webinar, a podcast episode, an event) and then create content out of that in a variety of smaller formats such as a podcast snippet, a video snippet, photos with quotes, or text-only posts in the form of a question.
5. Alternate content and aspects of what you share. posting the same over and over is boring and gets people to switch off. Try different topics (personal and work) and think of different angles to share that information. E.g., Your birthday plans, an inspirational story, a video with a client you helped and was happy with your work, a new dog, etc.
6. Dab into short yet highly informative videos with subtitles. It can be text only, with you as the subject, an event you attended or organized. The list goes on!
7. Know what keeps your decision-makers up and address their pain points using your content. Say clearly the problem you help solve and why they should choose you.
8. For a selling or promotional content, have a core message (what you want to be known for) and create content pillars around it (solutions & your approach)
9. Start with what you find easy
10. Have a theme for the month or certain days