5 Tips to stand out on Social Media as Personal Brand

With all the information overload we are constantly getting exposed to, our attention span is shorter than ever before, in fact – shorter than a goldfish’s.

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Getting information from the internet is like drinking from a water hydrant...

With more than 500h of videos uploaded on YouTube, 150,000 emails getting sent, 3.3 Million posts shared on Facebook and 3.8 Million searches are conducted on Google – all in just 60 seconds, the question is – how can you stand out and actually get seen?


Well... let's be honest: I would be rich if I’d have the magical answer but these are some of the tips that have helped me along the way:


1.)   Cut back on social media

Sounds controversial but I mean it. I don’t recommend to me on everywhere as you will be nowhere. What’s the point to be on WeChat, Google+ and Co if your audience isn’t and/or if you don’t enjoy being there?

Rather select a couple you really enjoy, get comfortable and good at them and put the social back into social media by engaging, commenting, interacting and communicating with real people.

2.)   Be yourself, be imperfect – and own it!

People engage with you because they like you and resonate with what you stand for. They don't buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it and the more authentic you can do and even more important – show it, the more you will be recognised and remembered.

3.)   Show it, don’t just tell it!

We are visual creatures – our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text and it’s also those images that releases dopamine to the brain which then causes us to act. It’s not logic (= text) that gets us moving or connected with something or someone, it’s the emotions and they are triggered by images.

4.)   Make it easy for others

We get information from everywhere and all the time, so it is key to make it easy for others to recognise us and our brand. Consistent and continuity is key as it takes a while for people to remember you and to build the trust to eventually engage with you.

5.)   Be committed

It takes a while to get traction and no…it’s definitely not an easy journey but again – it is about convincing your audience that you are the best person for it – whatever that might be and delivering same quality over and over again builds your credibility and trustworthiness which in the end, everyone is after.

If you haven't quite figured out how to stand out from the crowd as you don't know where to start, schedule in a free 15min FREE consultation.

You already identified your Brand and next step is getting out there? No idea how, where and when? 

Don't stress - I've got you covered!

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Get started

I put together a simple and compact 10 page eBook that cuts to the chase and covers all the basics you need to know.


Best thing? it's under $10! :)

Get your copy HERE


Happy Branding!


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