Social Media Use for Your Personal Brand: IGTV

IGTV: Instagram's version of TV 

Welcome to the new Top Tip series: Social Media Use for Your Personal Brand. We'll give you a bunch of tips and best practices to help you utilize new platforms to promote and boost your Personal Brand online.

This series is all about Instagram's version of television, IGTV.

PS - 📍If you want to deep dive and catch up on the long-form posts with tips and tricks around Personal Branding, Career Development, Future of Work, Skills & Education, Productivity and Performance, check out


What is IGTV?

“We are re-envisioning mobile video with a new standalone that features longer videos and easy discoverability through channels, all in a vertical format that sits upright, in the palm of your hand.” -Instagram

It’s a relatively new Instagram feature that allows users to upload videos longer than the usual allowable time on the feed and on stories, and does not get archived after 24 hours, unlike stories.


Why should you start using IGTV for your brand?

Video is one of the most engaging content online today, and some even predict that in a few years, platforms will be full of video-only content. Cisco predictsthat by 2022, "79 percent of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video"

IGTV is less crowded, at least for now. You can use this to your advantage and put out content on the platform without being worried about competition. It is formatted for better click-through as you can add links on your description, and use the Swipe Up call-to-action that leads them straight to your landing page.

IGTV can now also be shared on the feed and viewed from the profile's grid, which is, to be honest, a game changer.

You will be able to reach out and narrow down your target audience by creating long-form, relevant content that is sure to earn you a spot on their recall book. Speaking of audience, Instagram is marketing it towards Millenials and Gen-Z who prefer it over the traditional television, so if that is your market, jump right in and start filming.

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Top Tips:


  • Prepare your content beforehand. Be engaging, don’t just read through lines and preach. Think of it as your own talk show where you can present your thought leadership or pitch in a fun and creative way

  • It's a reflection of how strong your personal brand is. There is a need to create quality content in order to have leverage over the channel, one that resonates with your audience, and shows your level of knowledge over the topic or craft.

  • Personalize your content specifically for the audience you want to reach. If you have a product, show your viewers as you use it yourself or the benefits its already given you. If you’re selling a service, talk about how you’ve helped a number of people, or simply talk about who you are or your daily life and build credibility through it.

  • Maximize reach by using hashtags on your description, but only use ones that your target audience will be sure to look for or use

  • Shoot with a portrait orientation and upload with an .mp4 format of up to 3.6GB. You can also upload an attractive cover image on .jpg format

  • Minimum 15 seconds to 15 minutes, 1 hour for verified accounts


Still thinking about how you can create your own personal brand to help you have leverage? Reach out to us or check out the impaCCCt Online Academyand discover what you should be talking about on IGTV, and how you can create a career around it.


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