A year in review (and an outlook what's to come)

A LOT can happen in 1 year ... 

Can you believe, we are nearly done with 2018?

I swear it was just Ekka time and the cold winds that come with it ... I always remember that very well as I don't like wind full stop.

Besides this really important (not) detail, I also remember the high's and the low's that every year brings with it:

👍We could impaCCCt nearly 800 high flyers through either

👎We have now a waiting list for 1:1 Coaching Clients - sorry!
We are working on it so you get more choices for coaches, not just me. 

👍We launched an online Course to make Personal Branding and Development accessible and affordable for everyone!

👎We are working on a technical integration with major education providers which has proven to be more difficult than anticipated

👍We partnered up with some of Australia's leading companies
to not only get them the best Talents on board but also train them to create their own careers within the company and with that, retain them :)

👎We had to say good bye to a few companies who prioritised short term fixes over long term investments

👍Our Brisbane Digital Business MeetUp Community grew from 400 to over 1,200 in less than 12 months and we hosted 12 events over the last 14 months!

👎I decided to stop Facebook Lives because I started disliking the platform and it felt more forced to be there than enjoyment. Since that isn't aligned with what's important to me, it was a relief and I'm glad I did even though everyone highly recommended to not do it.

👍The biggest win overall was definitely the
quality of relationship I could build, locally, nationally and internationally!
I'm extremely grateful for those people who have come in my lives and inspire, mentor, coach, challenge and support me to be(come) the best version of myself. 

👎The biggest loss for my personally was saying my final good bye to my best friend for 14 years on the day - Sam, my Golden Retriever.
Nothing prepares you for this, no matter how much you think you are ready for it.

Petra Zink

The brightest future is the one you create ...

Looking back and reflect on our achievements is something most (I'm pointing the finger right at myself) don't do enough, it's what we can make of the learnings that really excite me!

It's going to be a massive 2019 for me personally with some big goals, not just with impaCCCt but also with a new company:
The360TalentCo ...  whilst the website is still in the making, we have already partnered up with 3 major companies and can't wait to reveal more of that!

We will also work more with Uni's and schools to make Personal Branding, professional and personal development part of everyday education and prepare the Generation of tomorrow for a world of work we don't know yet will look like!

There will be more offers for interstate events, workshops and coaching slots since we have received a lot of enquiries and we are listening to what you want! ;) 

One a more personal level, I have 3 major goals which I have already been working on this year:

  • Cut back work to 5 days a week, switch off at a more reasonable time and grow the team further so that the companies can grow and I get to work more on it rather than in it

  • Reduce my body fat level to 15mm (I'm sitting at 18mm now) and prepare for a competition (not sure if I will actually compete or not but I want to see how far I can push my body sustainably) 

  • Start spending more time on the Sunshine Coast to eventually live there part-time and also spend more time at their Uni's and Start Up communities.

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Now over to YOU!!!!

What's been your 3 biggest achievements in 2018
and the 3 goals you have for 2019?

I'd love to hear from you - simply send me an email and share with me!! 

Petra Zink is a Coach,

Speaker and Educator on all things Career & Personal Development, Branding, High Performance and Innovation.

She helps Companies and Senior Professionals to build strong Businesses and Careers by building and managing a strong an sustainable Brand.

Click here for more information.


What's ahead in 2019?
