How the power of Personal Brand can change your life

Now more than ever, the world is more connected and with that more competitive. Companies and talents have more access to information and are flooded with more choices than ever before. 

“So tell us, why should we choose you? Hence, this question becomes highly important to nail.

Did you ever stutter to answer this during an interview? Or feel as if you are not adept to say anything that will make a big difference?

This is exactly where your Personal Branding comes in

The shortest, yet most powerful definition of a Brand is:

Your point of difference, what makes you unique that no one else can compete with. 

On the big picture, a Brand is what people associate with you much more than just a job title or profession. It’s multi-faceted, it might be the emotional connection you build with someone because you either share a common story, have a similar lifestyle and attitude or make them feel a certain way. 


Weave your past skillfully to achieve your future

This is powerful when it comes to futureproofing yourself, given we’ll change jobs more often and also the change will be more significant. If decision-makers can’t see how you can bring your past in the future role, you’ll miss out on a lot of opportunities.

As a podcast exclusive, I go ALL-IN about my personal experience with the power of Personal Branding and how a small yet powerful tweak in my introduction helped change my work life forever. More importantly, how that experience can help YOU.

So how can you start with your own Personal Brand?

Everyone has a point of difference: What makes us unique and helps us be distinguishable in the pool of so many.

Bad news: not many know what these are for them. When we are too close to something ourselves and because it’s what we do and who we are, we think it’s nothing special and that it’s not something we can offer.

Here’s how to start:

Start with where you are and with what you have.

You already have a brand, whether you manage it proactively or not.

It’s the impression you make on others but also through others, which means how people introduce you or talk about you. 

You make the impression through every single action and interaction you make – from answering the phone to signing off on emails to seeing you on social media, meeting you at a networking event, or being introduced to.

Each of these leaves a footprint on people’s mind about who you are and gives them a chance to create a perception about you.  

To influence that, it is key that you have the utmost self-awareness and you are clear about what’s important to you.

Tip: Some things worth knowing are what energises and what drains you, your strengths, the abilities and skills you are regularly complimented on.

It’s important, to be honest with yourself so you portrait the person you are and avoid trying to become someone you are not. It’s not always easy for ourselves to see what makes us different so don’t be shy to also ask friends and family – people you respect, and you know are honest with you - to help you with your assessment.

In the end, the most important thing to keep in mind is that if you are in control of yourself, anything that you cannot control in terms of your career such as job security or the financial market, won’t be able to affect you highly.

It is entirely possible to be in charge, navigate through the changes, and take it to the path you want, especially in today’s multiple uncertainties.


I'm Petra Zink, specialised in preparing individuals, teams and businesses for the Future of Work by building strong Brands that can be monetised and allow for re-invention based on their point of difference

I am a certified Personal Branding and Digital Strategist, an official Forbes Coaches Council member, online educator, the host of the Future of Work Campus membership and the Podcast, and have been featured on Forbes,, Marie Claire, Get it Magazine, as well as on various podcasts.

I've helped over 300 professionals in reinventing and pivoting in their career so they can make a bigger impact, including mine at one point in time.


Communicate your Personal Brand


8 steps you need to take to thrive in the Future of Work