A dream career is more than just wishful thinking - 5 ways to go and get it

aving worked with hundreds of individuals over the last 3 years, from students to senior executives, from $45k to $450k calibers, I have realized one common nominator they share which is the main driver for them when considering their next career move:

Making an impact.

Whilst it seems this phrase is getting a little overused as everyone says it, hardly anyone actually knows what it means. However, when I started my business, I knew exactly what I wanted to do:

My mission is for others to find their sweet spot and identify ways to make a career (and money) with it through:

  • CLARIFYING what makes them unique
  • COMMUNICATING their value clearly and convincingly
  • CAPITALISE on their strengths and create a career rather than just having a job

This is why I came up with impaCCCt as I’m very passionate about creating a career you love rather than just having a job that pays the bills. I didn’t realise my potential until I found a new industry that was not even close on my radar. Ever.

But instead of dreading going to work and feel already miserable thinking about my job, I now work 7 days a week and way beyond a 9-5 but it doesn’t phase me.

I’m excited by every step of it and putting one piece after the next together to finish my (never ending) puzzle. This is the reason why I want others to experience this feeling too as it wasn't always like that. Actually far away from it as I got burn out - not once, but twice before.

 How happy are you in your current Role?

Take the test and get some practical tips too!



Health Check

 for your Career!

(including practical Tips to take control over it!)


I know what you think now - everyone talks about ‘do what you love and you never work a day in your life’ sounds very romantic but I also know in fact, it’s not as easy as it sounds.


However, putting some time and effort in it can make all the difference in your overall happiness and health. If you’ve got a job you dislike, or even hate, it will make you sick eventually and life is too short to not enjoy it to the fullest.


That’s why I put together a little guide with my 5 steps I highly recommend you to take – every single day.

How to find your passion - Infographic.png



Remember – practice makes … PERMANENT!

So the more you make these 5 routines a habit and challenge your status quo, the closer you will get to realising your full potential!


Ready to not only discover your passion but also learn how you can capitalise it in a career you love? Then check out our upcoming Workshops where we IGNITE YOUR PERSONAL BRAND and show you how you can EMBODY YOUR BRAND.


What it feels turning down $27,000


5 impaCCCtful questions you need to ask in any conversation