Impact Beyond Words: Grow Your Influence & Authority Through Deep Listening [Interview with Oscar Trimboli]

Whilst most people associate effective communication skills with what and how things are said, not many consider what hasn't been said / how to listen to understand rather than just to respond. 

Interesting facts:

  • We spend 55% of our day listening, yet only 2% of people know how to listen.​

  • We speak at 125 words or minute, we think at 900 words per minute and there’s an 11% chance that what we say is what we mean.

  • Deep listening helps you to listen to the other 775 words that are unspoken. 

Take the Listening Test:

Oscar Trimboli is an author, host of the Apple award-winning podcast Deep Listening and a sought-after keynote speaker.

Along with the Deep Listening Ambassador Community, he is on a quest to create 100 million deep listeners in the workplace.

Through his work with chairs, boards of directors, and executive teams, Oscar has experienced first-hand the transformational impact leaders can have when they listen beyond words.

He believes that when leadership teams focus their attention and listening, they will build organizations that create powerful legacies for the people they serve – today and, more importantly, for future generations.

Oscar is a marketing and technology industry veteran working for Microsoft, PeopleSoft, Polycom, and Vodafone. He consults with organizations, including American Express, AstraZeneca, Cisco, Google, HSBC, IAG, Montblanc, PwC, Salesforce, Sanofi, SAP, and Siemens.

Oscar’s website and further resources:



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