5 things you need to do now to future-proof your career tomorrow
Over the next couple of years, 5 Million jobs will be replaced through automation, AI and technology. It’s not to scare you but to excite you because only processes that don’t require human traits like creativity, emotions, communication skills can be automated.
This gives us the chance to focus again on what makes us human!
This also means we can create our own roles by being one step ahead, identifying what the changes will be and being pro-active on the steps to keep relevant.
Here are my top 5 tips to bullet-proof your career, no matter the industry or level you are in now!
1. Embrace change
Long gone are the times when employees stuck with a company for 25 years to climb the ladder.
Through technology, the way we work but also the nature of work is changing. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, automation … is part of everyday life and we are only scratching the surface.
Turning a blind eye on the changes won’t get you anywhere, so better prepare for the change that will impact you by getting proactive yourself.
Firstly, work out what these changes may mean for you, your role, your profession and industry. With that in mind, you will have a clearer picture of what it is that you need to do to stay relevant.
2. Be clear about your value
People buy (of) people because of something they want to have, to make them feel, look, perform, live .. a certain way.
In order to stay relevant, you need to be crystal clear what it is that you can do for others which requires a lot of self-awareness which then reflect in awareness towards others.
What is the skill that comes up over and over again, that people complement you on and people turning to you?
What is it that comes easy to you but isn’t easy for others?
When you know that, you will be able to articular it clearly so your future employer or client can see straight away how you can help an organization and its objectives.
3. Never stop learning
We can’t prepare for jobs that are relevant in 1, 2 or 10 years.
We can’t learn the program languages that aren’t developed yet but we can focus on the soft skills that go with it: adaptability, willingness to learn, curiosity, hunger for knowledge.
Continuous learning is the key and with all the knowledge available to us in literally a click or a swipe away - most of it even for free - there is no excuse to not stay ahead of the curve,
But it needs to be you who takes the lead!
You cannot rely and wait for someone to tell you what you need to learn.
You are the only one who can take control over that and start up-skilling in areas that interest you and complement what you can do now, even or especially if it’s not related to your profession.
You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, so don't play safe – get outside your comfort zone and experience new things and ways of learning and working.
4. Your network is your net worth
Coming from the industry, I can tell you hands on heart that probably these days, majority of vacancies are not even advertised anymore.
Companies are interested in the passive talents, the ones who wouldn’t apply for the role pro-actively anyway. Especially the super sexy roles are often dealt with behind the curtain and even if they are advertised, chances that the recruiter is already talking to his/her network and their contacts is very high.
Plus – knowing people also means you get exposed to new opportunities which you may not even have thought of. Especially this is the time when knowing your value is even more crucial as people will come to you with proposals how else you can benefit them once you are visible and relevant.
5. Don’t be upset to not get what you want when you don't ask for it
How can someone give you what you want without you even knowing what it actually is?
You can’t catch a dream if you don’t chase it, so stepping up or out requires you to be open for asking for what you want and need to get there.
If you are interested to progress in your organization, don’t just complain that there are no options for you or wait for the HR manager to come up with a solution.
Be pro-active and take the lead – combine your strengths and interests with what the company needs and find a way how you can add value to it so it is a win-win situation!
So if you are not clear what it is that you actually want,
jump on a FREE 45-minutes Strategy session with me to discuss where you are stuck.