Leadership In A Demanding Market - Strengthen Your Professional Toolkit
Strong leadership isn't when times are good, but when the chips are down and the path forward is unclear.
Throw in navigating a crisis and having to make tough decisions and it's another level of complexity to navigate. But this is when true leaders shine. The current market is certainly not smooth sailing and everyone feels the pressure - from talent shortages to economic uncertainties, from rapid technological changes to shifting consumer behaviours. In times like these, we turn to those who've been through the fire, those who've led organisations through turbulent waters and came out stronger on the other side.
In this week's Trusted Authority™ - From Unknown To Known, the Podcast, we have the privilege to have with us a leader who shown resilience and strategic acumen in very challenging times - Brendan Stewart.
In this interview you get a mini-masterclass in [crisis, inspirational and situational' leadership as we dive deep into:
Strategies for maintaining clarity and focus when chaos and uncertainty happens
How to attract and keep the best talents in a competitive market
The 5 key aspects to building a culture that thrivea under pressure
The often-overlooked skills that separate great leaders from good ones during crises
Practical tips for future-proofing your organisation against unforeseen challenges
Brendan Stewart was Chairman of one of the largest organisations, the Australian Wheat Board, the chairman of the Grains Council of Australia and the vice-president of the National Farmers Federation, as well as CEO for Queensland's peak industry for sugar in Queensland, Canegrowers. He is now Senior Strategist with The360TalentCo, supporting leaders through the challenging times ahead.