Learning new skills - what you need to work on that are going to be valuable for the future of work.

Work on building your Skills. Not your resume. 

(Sheryl Sandberg)

We already covered the difference between Skills and Talents and that we need to a) be aware of ours to then b) develop the ones further we are already good at to make the biggest impact.

Whilst Talent is something we are born with and it comes natural to use, Skills can be learned. Our last top tip helped you to clarify career gaps so you can take the right action to fill them to progress in your career.

Now you know where you need to brush up on (and life long learning is the key to stay relevant in today's and tomorrow's fast paced world of work anyway), today's Top Tip is all about the best ways to up skill and hone in on skills that don't break the bank or take up all your free time.

Why it is important to learn new skills?

The nature of work is and will continue to change significantly which is why we need to look around the corner what those changes mean for the industry and profession we are in and up skill in those areas that are going to be valuable for the future for work. 

ImpaCCCt Gen Z Career Skills
  • Network – surround yourself with people who already have the experience, the role and/or the lifestyle you desire and treat your ideal scenario as 'normal'.

The more you change the way of thinking about something, the more second nature it becomes so you get your doubting voice in your head to shut up and take the actions you need to achieve the same.

You can get also get a mentor, join masterminds or simply join online communities for inspiration and stimulation.

  • MeetUps – another great way to learn new skills or deepen knowledge is to join local MeetUps. Not only do you get to learn from others but you also build a network locally that exposes you to a wider audience and potentially different world.

  • Online Courses – there are a ton of free or fairly cheap online courses that you can take to get micro certifications and 'online badges' that you can also put on your LinkedIn page

  • YouTube – use the 2nd largest search engine for 'how to's. Simply type in what you want to learn and put a 'how to' in front of it (which is in fact the most commonly used search term)

  • Podcast – on the go, at any time and 100% for free! Podcasts are with me in every situation - from when I get up to brush my teeth, to being in the gym, shop, drive ... you can listen to them in your own time. Bonus tip: make notes! Take at least 3-5 take outs from each podcast that you can then also use for creating your own content.

What can you do to start your life-long learning journey with impaCCCt?

impaCCCt online Academy

If you want to learn what it takes to

  • clarify your high performance zone

  • communicate your point of difference and

  • capitalise on your Personal Brand in the comfort of your own home,

our 100% online Academy is the place to get started!

Your future starts here.

Petra Zink

is a Coach, Speaker and Educator on all things Career & Personal Development, Branding, High Performance and Innovation.

She helps Companies and Senior Professionals to build strong Businesses and Careers by building and managing a strong an sustainable Brand.

Click here for more information.


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